All I want to do is take pictures: It Ain't Over Til The Dress is Trashed (That Newfie Wedding, Part III)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

It Ain't Over Til The Dress is Trashed (That Newfie Wedding, Part III)

The morning of Sunday, July 28, found me running on 3 hours sleep, a cup of tea, and the new realization that I may have become too old for the 'all-nighter' somewhere along the line. Still being in Newfoundland, though, I found that the locals were not deterred by such things. There was gift opening to be done, and that meant another gathering and, of course, more beer!

Having actually partaken in the festivities, I was very glad to have promised the bride a wedding gift of my own: a trash the dress session in the wide open Atlantic Ocean.

Once the gifts were open, and the most hungover of the crowd had dispersed, the rest of us piled into whatever cars were available and headed to Campbell's Creek Beach to see what we could pull off as one last take on Tammy's wedding dress. The results, I think, were pretty fantastic.

The sun was starting to lower in the sky as we left the beach and headed back to Tammy and Trenton's house. The light was beautiful and I was permitted a stop along the way to take in one last session featuring the natural beauty that is Newfoundland.


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