All I want to do is take pictures: The Right Place at the Right Time

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Right Place at the Right Time

By mid-December, I had caught on to the habits of the local herd of deer. Each day at dusk, they make their appearance on the ridge just beyond my backyard, and head over the hill via whatever means necessary to get the the very best patches of grass. They have no qualms about jumping fences, avoiding local dogs, or coming almost within arms reach of me when I'm out enjoying the sunset.

A herd of deer, a glorious sunset, and the Rocky Mountains.... on a schedule?!?!

There were a total of nine on this particular day. These were the closest I could get to getting all of them in the same shot. They broke off into little groups of two or three and they were all around me by the time the sun started to go down.

Speaking of the sun going down...


 I was quite the object of curiousity for the deer as well. I told them (out loud, true story) that if they would kindly just move up onto the kill a little, I would make them internet-famous. Apparently, even deer want their fifteen minutes of fame.

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