All I want to do is take pictures: Sunset at Peggy's Cove

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunset at Peggy's Cove

One of my favourite people recently delved into my world a bit and took up his hand at photography. His subject of choice is landscapes, and he has the ambition and the means to experience some overdone places at times of day that make them extraordinary. Some of his night shots are absolutely magnificent, so when he asked my friend and I if we wanted to join him on a sunset photographic mission to Peggy's Cove, I jumped at the chance to see it the way he does.

I know, I know. You're thinking, "Peggy's Cove? Really? I've already seen it here and  here. Must you do it AGAIN?"

But this... THIS is Peggy's Cove as I had never seen it before.



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