All I want to do is take pictures: Tom Pearce Park: Disc Golf

Friday, July 10, 2015

Tom Pearce Park: Disc Golf

I learned a lot this summer.
One of the things I learned is how to play disc golf.
Another is that I'm very, very bad at it.

It was my idea to play; I wanted to learn. So we spent a good portion of the day at Tom Pearce Park in Grants Pass.

Lesson one: You don't throw a disc the way you throw a frisbee. You have got to give it some gusto! You also have to give it some aim.

Gusto + Aim = Win!
Gusto + Aim + Terri = -Aim or -Gusto = Where the hell did that disc go?

Oh, I see.
Even Tepa laughed at me.
This is gonna be a long eighteen holes.

Somewhere around the ninth hole, someone developed a sharpie and a sense of humour.
Yup, that's a "disc charger".

It did not help my game.

Then, around the three-quarter mark, there was this:

It's an old aquaduct, and yes, it is part of the course. I actually didn't fail quite as miserably at this hole, and managed to strategically 'gusto and aim' my way through the appropriate opening. I went to fetch my disc on the other side, and when I turned around, these guys were hanging out waiting for me...

Three guys, three doors.
"Hey, Guys! Pick a door!"
They see me waving around my camera and BOOM! Just like that, this happens:

That was it. One shot.
I swear I don't choose my friends based on their ability to instinctively pull off moments like these... at least I don't do it consciously.

But I may pick them based on their dog's ability to pull of those moments.
By the end of the eighteenth hole, my game had not improved, and I had accepted the fact that maybe disc golf just wasn't my thing.

But that spending a hot summer afternoon with these guys, just might be.

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