All I want to do is take pictures: 21,900 Days

Sunday, August 4, 2019

21,900 Days

As a photographer, I see a lot of marriages. A lot of fancy attire, solemn ceremonies, and expensive parties that celebrate the joining of two people into one life. What we don't see enough of is the aftermath. Where is the celebration of that life: of raising children, paying a mortgage, having a coffee, or finding that missing sock with the same person every single day?

We acknowledge anniversaries, but every morning should be a celebration, not just every day 365.
Day 6.
Day 23.
Day 762
Day 2,896
Day 15,612

or in this case: 
Day 21,900.

On August 1, 2019, Grandpa and Grandma Smith celebrated their 21,900th day as man and wife. 

Sixty years married and still absolutely adorable.
And THAT is something to celebrate.

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